Friday, March 26, 2010

Childs story I wrote today

Finding Yourself

There will be a far away place to find yourself. A place where the air is clean the sky is the deepest blue and no troubles lay ahead. A marron colored river rock you place between your palm and thumb and shut your eyes. A magical rock to take you to this place. But in the still of all movement when all is in turmoil and everybody wants to snatch your rock away it will be useless. In frustration you throw this rock as far as you can landing it in the deepest part of any river. And run away as everyone jumps in to get it. You sit on a log from a fallen tree and a boy stops to ask, “Why are you so sad?”...”for with the rivers and the trees you have everything you need” A boy with wings as you can see as you pause to answer him. “I've lost my mystical rock” you say, ”and I have no place to stray.”
“But do know this”, said the boy with the wings, “Look for the brightest flower blossomed in the weeds and beneath it all lays a very powerful thing. The power to create your own mystical rock. All you must do is believe, and when all is right you'll find your place.”
And so your journey begins
As the boy flew off slowly changing to a simple butterfly smaller and smaller in the sky you sat on that log and tried not to cry. You placed your palm on that tree and shut your eyes again.
The Bark of this old Maple tree is moving changing surface right beneath you. You open your eyes and a door you can see! But is it safe? Will you open it? You turn the crystal knob slowly and !POP! The door swings open and your sucked in quick falling. You reach in to grab anything around you and all there is is dark empty space. What will you do? What will you do?
Will you grow wings or sprout out springs so you can bounce back and land safely?
Will you grow legs as long as the sky to land on your feet and not on your side?
Will you grow arms as long as you need to reach the outside and grab the trees?
Oh what will you do? What will you do? Just as you would beg for help you land in this clear room. Windy your body rocks from side to side, cold and thick the air holds you under. And suddenly its Thunder! And drawn out from the clouds are two legs kicking and stirring up the wind. A pink bathing suit it wears and you get thrown everywhere! How are you soaring through the sky? You pause to think and wonder why. You jump out towards these legs like lightning and pinch the skin tight.
“OUCH!” muffled in the wind so loud. And suddenly arms reach in to grab you by the very clothes left on your body, You are brought to the surface. Grasping for breath you feel the sharp sting of the thin air you waited so long for. It places you between its palm and its thumb and its so BIG! It gets out of the pool of water and jumps up and down throwing you in the air only to catch you again. “ Your so cute, Im going to keep you forever!” It says.

You wake up wearing the most expensive silk robe in a palace all yours. There's even fresh bacon on the table. “AHH this is the life” you say aloud. You spend the rest of your day exploring the luxury, but you wish the light would come.
“Good morning Sunshine!!” said the Giant girl in your front yard. She removes your cover and bright light beams in through your windows, quiet is no more. As you run scared from her big fingers you see through the windows and discover your palace is nothing but this girls doll house. You creep beneath your bed to hide. Sad and lost you feel. “Who are you”, says a boy of your size.”This is my palace now get out!”
“But don't you see, we're trapped here forever by that giant and there's no escape!”
“Hey I know you, your the boy and the lake, sad and lost.” “I'm the boy with the wings, but she has cut them off detaching me from my knowledge draining me of my powers.” The boy continued, “I was so desperate for change I went out to take the mystical rock you so told me about.”
“I thought you were trying to help me and you only wanted it for yourself? I thought you were different!” You say to the boy angry.
“I'm sorry, can we still be friends and show each other the way? You have to let me do something after I tried to take your rock.”
“Just help me get out of here!” you say giving the boy a second chance.
Surely the boy with the wings will know of escape.

“You know this is no ordinary doll house my friend, the furniture changes everyday and the walls shift. One the third day of every week you may reach a secret door. A secret door to the basement and all is quiet to think,” the boy said. “I will show tonight the place she cannot see, there we will make our plans and friends we will be!” You and the boy creep real low, trying not to wake princess. Open the door and slide fast down this long tunnel!
Oh what will we do? What will we do?
Will we bite her finger just as the door opens? Will we ask her to join us in a cup of tea? Will we jump up and down and side to side and rock the house to bits?
“I know!, says the boy, “We'll make the giant love us just enough to grant us one gift. A toy airplane to fly right out of the window!” Its perfect! Its Brilliant!
Yes, we'll begin tomorrow, you both say as you fall asleep.

“Good morning Friends!” the giant says.
“Oh hello there our princess how are you today?” You say together. You play all day with this girl and never run or hide and then you ask her one request. She grants you an airplane to tinker with.

The next day you and the boy are up and running to escape with the plane. “Rev up the engine Charlie!” you say giving the boy a title he cannot resist. And !ZOOM!BOOM! BANG! Your out in these cute pioneer outfits flying out of the giant house and passing the giant barking dog.

“Where to?” You ask the boy. “Where are we going?”
“I don't know, seems I've lost my way without my wings, I know of nothing.”
What are we going to do? What are we going to do?
“There! Don't you see that tree?” said the boy. “That tree gives seed that grow 100 feet a night All we need to do is sneak one back to the doll house and wait for its roots to break through the walls. Then we'll grab my wings and go!”

You fly the plane right into the tree shaking its branches just enough to release one seed. And now you must find this seed on your feet and you are so little. You and the boy search quickly through the weeds and run right into a giant flower, just where you need to be.
“This is it!” You say, so excited. Here we'll make a mystical rock to share and go anywhere together! No more searching. Well stay here and make this together.”

“No,” the boy said, “I'm afraid not, don't you see? The rock was meant for you and the seed was meant for me. One of us must stay and wait for the rock, I'll have to get my wings alone.”

“Be careful my dear friend, I'll be waiting and when you get back we'll fly away together, we'll have it all!”, you say to the boy as he runs fast and far away.

You wait and still no sign of your friends return or the mystical rock. Frustrated you pluck the flower. Twice as tall as you and you are weak. The biggest Brightest flower in the weeds and charge screaming at the giant tree...
and suddenly

With this flower you turn the key the bark moves quickly upon the tree and you turn a door knob once more.
Your asleep on a log and wake to see a boy with wings flying with your rock.
It was the seed all along, and he stole this mystical thing. What will you do? What will you do?
Your best friend has betrayed your trust. Sad you stroll towards the river, roll up your pant legs and walk into the cold water. Only to find something very special. Something sparkling you dive in quickly and with this smooth river rock in the palm of your hand you stand up and see yourself in the reflection of the river in each breaking bumpy drop of water. You are a boy with wings yourself. You are your own person, and you dont need anybody to show you how to find yourself. No matter what happens there will always be a flower blossomed in the weeds, all you have to do is believe.

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