Thursday, April 28, 2011

Our One Year Wedding Anniversary
Santa Monica Pier April 2, 2011

Highlights of the night include walking along the shore riding the ferris wheel dancing to a two dollar donation to a guitarist on the pier Locked our keys in the motel Swung on the swings and watching you climb the rope.

Getting so much Character!

May the dreams you hold dearest be those which come true May the kindness you spread keep returning to you May you catch the moments as they fly and use them as you ought, knowing happiness is shy and comes not as its sought May you get all your wishes but one so you always have something to thrive for May you be strong in anything you do just knowing what your alive for May you never forget what is worth remembering or remember what is best forgotten May you learn to move on and not become rotten May the wind at your back be always your own May you find it all when nothing is shown Enough happiness to keep you sweet Enough trials to keep you strong Always get through your day no matter how long Enough sorrows to keep you human Enough hope to carry on To always know who you are brains and brawn Enough failure to keep you humble Enough success to keep you eager To always know whats right from wrong and never know whats neither Enough friends to give you comfort Enough wealth to meet your needs To know what life is really about and not be drawn by greed May you always have laughter to cheer you faithful friends near you and whenever you may pray heaven to hear you May you be poor in misfortune, rich in blessings, slow to make enemies, quick to make friends but rich or poor quick or slow May you know of nothing but happiness.

Friday, April 15, 2011

Nathaniel's Birth : The First Week

From baby to be, to dad

My Strength, my hope, my father I feel your warm hand press against me. I know your love even through these walls. I hear your words and your laughs, If only I could say something back. I think of you as I sleep, I wonder what you look like and I cant wait to see. I already love you though my heart is so small I can fit love for two people best of all.

Thursday, April 14, 2011

Hello There, I feel your sweet touch
You move and wiggle oh so much
How lucky I am to have someone like you
Everywhere Ive been you've come along too
You listen to my heartbeat and sleep to my breath
You feel every step I take and your there when nothings left
You see the light within me, a curious light you see
You wiggle your toes suck your thumb and your learning how to breathe
You'll grow so big in no time too, I cant wait to see you
Oh how I imagine your eyes so round and so bright
Its like Im holding you now so close and so tight
I can love you like no other, Im lost in this defeat
I am your anxious mother and I cant wait until we meet
To wrap your little hands around the length on my fingers
I hope your dad and I will be your favorite singers
To blow raspberry kisses on your tummy to play peek a boo
head knocker, chin chomper, Goochie Goochie Goo

Nathaniel Liam Emory

Well I tried my best for a natural birth (12 hours no pain medicine) but due to my contractions being to close together and the baby's heart rate dropping the doctors ordered and emergency c-section. Nothing can explain the pain I was in and although I was upset about the doctors' decision I was also very anxious to see my baby's face and hear his cry already.
After delivery, we stayed in the hospital for a week recovering and when we went home I took my shift as full time mom. My husband has work and I had to push myself to get up for feedings, but nobody could stop me. I was more active than I should've been and looking back now I wish I would've excepted the help.
Its been a great six months of parenting. Nothing makes me happier than to see his sweet innocent face light up to the simplest things. His laughter is very contagious. And although I will admit having such responsibility has taken a toll on my marriage he has also brought new insight to the both of us.

Sunday, March 28, 2010

A boy named Roxer

A story of a boy who was given the magical power to control who he was. The power to change form and even grow wings. He can change into a fire breathing dragon or an old wrinkly man with the courage of a true warrior. The strength in magic as the most powerful wizard of Brock city. A story of a boy who doesn't know his own strength to stop all evil in the universe.Until today that is, he was just an eight year old boy in his normal life at home. he had no idea what was awaiting him in time-out today. He discovered a door in his room, a small round shinny door. The boy named Roxer opened the door today. A bright light beamed in towards him and then SHOWOOP! Roxer was sucked in this bright door in a snap! Where had he been taken to he wondered. And suddenly a voice from around the walls called out to him, "you were chosen my son" It said. "You you were granted the power to change, but if you refuse your duties you will be stuck who you choose last forever!" the voice continued, "You may be anything you can imagine, I'm leaving you my powers and hope you do the right thing. And with these words, the voice had gone away. Where could it had escaped this immortal world Roxer was stuck in?
"I want to go home!" Roxer cries out and when he opened his eyes he was in his room again. He tells his mom the story, but to her it was only a dream. How will he learn to use these powers. He tried asking out loud to be a dragon, but nothing happened. Could this truly have been a dream after all?

On Roxers walk home from school today he discovered a glass box with a fairy. The glass reads, "Bring life to your garden and fairies will come." "Whats your name?" Roxer asked the lonely fairy. "Its Arynie" she said. She is in a meadow and the weather is dark and cloudy. Lightning strikes and she uses her wings to keep herself dry from the rain. She is very sad because she is not pretty enough to enter the castle of wonders beneath the great tree. She will only unlock the door to our world when she falls in love. But she is all alone outside of that castle. Together the two fairies will create a key with their wings and together they will seek happiness in the outer realms of fairy meadows. But what can Roxer do? He is not a fairy, only an eight year old boy who opened a small door in his room. "Bring life to your gardens?" The boy wonders, "Why as this on the glass box?" With the boys laughter grass suddenly began to sprout beneath his feet. "WHOOA!", the boy screamed out. Then lillies and clover paths all around him where ever he went life would follow.
He heard the voice once more, "My son, you must keep life going spread it from town to town! Soon the world will be as I left it years ago!" The boy continued his walk proud and happy with the box held high in the air. Then the fairies began to rush out of the castle. Arynie was happy again and with this her wings became stronger, brighter and she was beautiful. She had many friends now and was asked to clean the rain. She buzzed around in this glass box so happy catching all the lightning with a big net. A gentlemen fairy took a liking to her strength and flew up to her. Holding hands they twirled their wings together and made a key. Roxer released the box of fairies and they flew off together. Roxer tried telling his mom the story, but to her it was only a dream.

While Roxer was at school today one of the fairies flew into the classroom. All of Roxers friends were picking on her and when a boy reach out a net to catch this pretty creature, the voice came out again. "Roxer, my son, you must stop these people from harming this life. Teach these people that they cannot hurt if they do not feel. She has done nothing wrong and does not deserve this. Fairies die when they cry." and with his love for this fairy and the strength to stop even the biggest friends, Roxer transformed into a dragon. POW! And then wings and giant teeth grew out from his scaley skin. First his coat was red, then blue, then orange and then... Spikey thorns came out from his fingers and toes and spikes poped out from his back.
Roxer and Arynie ran out to the playground and flew away making thunder storms in the clouds. The moon shined through the sharp hollow clouds and stars were out tonight. The boy and the fairy flew together to Arynie's home. Where all the fairies came together to stay safe. Arynie was Roxers message, and something Horrible happened to her home of Humbolp city. The rain has washed up all the tears of the world and drained them all to the fairies. They are running in panic and are running out of land to rest because the tears burn their wings. Many have fallen in to these puddles and without their wings they will walk mortal. What will Roxer do?
With all the strength he could pull he blew out fire from his gaping dragon jaws and burned away the tears. But just when life seemed easy for Roxer, giant muggles crawled out from the shadows of Hombolp. Big hairy creatures with fangs and stubby arms created an army and began shooting the fairies with tear dust. Oh what will Roxer do?
"Voice, Voice? I cry out to you. Guide me, help me What will I do?" The boy said out loud and suddenly a wizard came flying on a plantiffer, a magical creature who forces others to be happy and not corrupt. To bad the wizards Plantiffer was seriously injured by its crash landing skills. "Roxer", The wizard said, "something horrible has happened to the voice, he seems to have lost all of his thought marbles, and without them he has no voice."
"I am Woglart, I was sent here by the voice to inform you that all of your flowers have withered away and the weeds are taking over the land. Your friends are in great danger. You must show them the way, tell them to change or the voice will send out all the muggles to attack and capture them all!"
Oh what will Roxer do? How is one boy to be responsible for the world?
Roxer quickly flew away from Hombolp and back to his school, "Everybody on my back!" he screamed but only few believed him. Then, he went home to try and save his parents but to his mom, it was only a dream. "Everybody get in this door" he said directing them to the small shinny door in his room. Only few were small enough and curious enough to fit through the door, leaving all adults behind. Roxer crawled through this door small door in hopes to speak to the voice. "Voice? Hello?" with other small children in this room there were no unfaithful people to Roxer's plan. but Voice did not speak, only a small wrinkly man stepped into this room walking right through the wall. "Roxer, my son" the old man said, "Everything you have experienced is all part of what you had to go through. Everyone in this room is a part of you, you are seen as whole beyond that door and you must learn to help others change their ways to see the world for what it is. There is so much more to life beyond that wall I just walked through. So much more than being the popular one or the smart one. Roxer, my son, I am you voice, your flowers your power to change but without happiness, I do not exist. You must be happy no matter who tries to change you, just believe. Shut your eyes and link hands with everyone we all matter"

"Knock knock! Roxer? Timeout is over my son." Roxers mom's voice cries out from behind his bedroom door.
Oh but what will Roxer do?
Roxer ran out to his mom with a big hug told her the story and with laughter from her heart, Roxer made a believer.