Thursday, April 14, 2011

Hello There, I feel your sweet touch
You move and wiggle oh so much
How lucky I am to have someone like you
Everywhere Ive been you've come along too
You listen to my heartbeat and sleep to my breath
You feel every step I take and your there when nothings left
You see the light within me, a curious light you see
You wiggle your toes suck your thumb and your learning how to breathe
You'll grow so big in no time too, I cant wait to see you
Oh how I imagine your eyes so round and so bright
Its like Im holding you now so close and so tight
I can love you like no other, Im lost in this defeat
I am your anxious mother and I cant wait until we meet
To wrap your little hands around the length on my fingers
I hope your dad and I will be your favorite singers
To blow raspberry kisses on your tummy to play peek a boo
head knocker, chin chomper, Goochie Goochie Goo

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