Thursday, April 14, 2011

Nathaniel Liam Emory

Well I tried my best for a natural birth (12 hours no pain medicine) but due to my contractions being to close together and the baby's heart rate dropping the doctors ordered and emergency c-section. Nothing can explain the pain I was in and although I was upset about the doctors' decision I was also very anxious to see my baby's face and hear his cry already.
After delivery, we stayed in the hospital for a week recovering and when we went home I took my shift as full time mom. My husband has work and I had to push myself to get up for feedings, but nobody could stop me. I was more active than I should've been and looking back now I wish I would've excepted the help.
Its been a great six months of parenting. Nothing makes me happier than to see his sweet innocent face light up to the simplest things. His laughter is very contagious. And although I will admit having such responsibility has taken a toll on my marriage he has also brought new insight to the both of us.

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