Thursday, April 28, 2011

Our One Year Wedding Anniversary
Santa Monica Pier April 2, 2011

Highlights of the night include walking along the shore riding the ferris wheel dancing to a two dollar donation to a guitarist on the pier Locked our keys in the motel Swung on the swings and watching you climb the rope.

Getting so much Character!

May the dreams you hold dearest be those which come true May the kindness you spread keep returning to you May you catch the moments as they fly and use them as you ought, knowing happiness is shy and comes not as its sought May you get all your wishes but one so you always have something to thrive for May you be strong in anything you do just knowing what your alive for May you never forget what is worth remembering or remember what is best forgotten May you learn to move on and not become rotten May the wind at your back be always your own May you find it all when nothing is shown Enough happiness to keep you sweet Enough trials to keep you strong Always get through your day no matter how long Enough sorrows to keep you human Enough hope to carry on To always know who you are brains and brawn Enough failure to keep you humble Enough success to keep you eager To always know whats right from wrong and never know whats neither Enough friends to give you comfort Enough wealth to meet your needs To know what life is really about and not be drawn by greed May you always have laughter to cheer you faithful friends near you and whenever you may pray heaven to hear you May you be poor in misfortune, rich in blessings, slow to make enemies, quick to make friends but rich or poor quick or slow May you know of nothing but happiness.

Friday, April 15, 2011

Nathaniel's Birth : The First Week

From baby to be, to dad

My Strength, my hope, my father I feel your warm hand press against me. I know your love even through these walls. I hear your words and your laughs, If only I could say something back. I think of you as I sleep, I wonder what you look like and I cant wait to see. I already love you though my heart is so small I can fit love for two people best of all.

Thursday, April 14, 2011

Hello There, I feel your sweet touch
You move and wiggle oh so much
How lucky I am to have someone like you
Everywhere Ive been you've come along too
You listen to my heartbeat and sleep to my breath
You feel every step I take and your there when nothings left
You see the light within me, a curious light you see
You wiggle your toes suck your thumb and your learning how to breathe
You'll grow so big in no time too, I cant wait to see you
Oh how I imagine your eyes so round and so bright
Its like Im holding you now so close and so tight
I can love you like no other, Im lost in this defeat
I am your anxious mother and I cant wait until we meet
To wrap your little hands around the length on my fingers
I hope your dad and I will be your favorite singers
To blow raspberry kisses on your tummy to play peek a boo
head knocker, chin chomper, Goochie Goochie Goo

Nathaniel Liam Emory

Well I tried my best for a natural birth (12 hours no pain medicine) but due to my contractions being to close together and the baby's heart rate dropping the doctors ordered and emergency c-section. Nothing can explain the pain I was in and although I was upset about the doctors' decision I was also very anxious to see my baby's face and hear his cry already.
After delivery, we stayed in the hospital for a week recovering and when we went home I took my shift as full time mom. My husband has work and I had to push myself to get up for feedings, but nobody could stop me. I was more active than I should've been and looking back now I wish I would've excepted the help.
Its been a great six months of parenting. Nothing makes me happier than to see his sweet innocent face light up to the simplest things. His laughter is very contagious. And although I will admit having such responsibility has taken a toll on my marriage he has also brought new insight to the both of us.